
by Eva Suter*
Directed by Nate Harpel
November 4th-20th
Performances Thu-Sat, 8pm
$10-15 sliding scale, Thursdays PWYW
333 ne Hancock St, PDX
RSVP 503-839-9075

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photos by rachel bowman

*medusa was the recipient of the 2011 drammy award for outstanding achievement for an original script.

Medusa is a perfectly normal girl born to a family of monsters, doomed by fate to become a monster. Perseus is a perfectly normal boy –except for the whole demigod thing– bound by fate to kill the monster Medusa. Perhaps understandably she doesn’t much care for this.

The third and final installment in collective member Eva Suter’s Unfortunate Greek Women Trilogy, Medusa skews our understanding that all those old stories are timeless. What if Medusa isn’t actually turning people to stone? (Haven’t you ever heard of metaphors?) What if Perseus isn’t the grand warrior that Clash of Titans presents him as, but rather just a boy with a driftwood sword trying to prove himself to his mother? (And what if he’s not very good with a sword anyway?)

Medusa is an exploration of the detritus of story-telling and our ability to tell and retell those old myths in a way that makes at least a little bit of sense to all of us. Aren’t we all wondering exactly whose stories we’re living anyway?

Medusa features performances by Mitch Fennimore, Renee Gerow, Brittney Harris, and Andrea Lovio.

production stage manager/sound designer: emily gregory                 costumes/lights/production management: ashley hollingshead           props/masks: eva suter                                                                                                      design assist: stephanie bachelder                                                                                 set: nate harpel